The 7th annual (International) Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop, dedicated to the World Logic Day, traditionally took place on January 14th.
What is special about January 14th?
Like last years, now we again hold it in a mixed format.
Participation was available to everyone (including junior students).
Recall that the first workshop in support of Jean-Yves Béziau's initiative to recognize January 14 as World Logic Day took place in 2019. In 2020-22 it has been held as an official even of the World Logic Day project of UNESCO through CIPSH (Conseil International de Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines):
2nd Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop
3rd Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop
4th Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop
5th Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop became international.
6th and this 7th Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshops were retained this status.
The event was supported by Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic and Krasnoyarsk Mathematical Center. Information and technical support for the event is traditionally provided by IM&CS Youth Center.
Applications for participation with a report was accepted until January 13, 18:00 local time (CET+6).
The 7th annual Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop, dedicated to the World Logic Day, took place on January 14th between 16:00 and 21:00 local time (CET+6).
In 2020, already in the status of a UNESCO official date, we successfully organized the 2nd workshop (for more details, see here).
In 2021, amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop was held online in the form of the Zoom conference as an official even of the World Logic Day project of UNESCO through CIPSH (Conseil International de Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines). The third KLW became the largest in terms of geography and the number of members: it included 16 participants, among them, 2 doctors and 7 candidates of sciences, 6 undergraduate and graduate students, and one post-graduate student.
In 2022, the workshop was held in a mixed format with covid-free restrictions for participants. In 2023 all of Russian seminars have lost the status of an official event, however, we have gained the international level of our workshop. In 2024 and 2025 we are again part of a large international project by Jean-Yves Béziau: 2024, 2025.
Organizing Committee:
Stepan I. Bashmakov (chairman), Kirill Smelykh and Elizaveta Brylyakova.
Within the framework of the workshop, there will be several reports — with a methodological and historical nature, and setting out new scientific results. The traditional coffee break, dedicated to the celebration of the traditional Russian holiday — Old New Year — will also take place.
We started the meeting at 16:00 local time (10:00 CET). The programm of the meeting is available here.
16:00 - the beginning of the meeting. Introductory speech by Stepan I. Bashmakov.
18:40 - virtual/real coffee break
18:55 - the second half of the meeting
20:45 - the ending of the meeting.
The 7th workshop became the longest due to the number of reports, as well as their variety and volume.
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