пр. Свободный, 79, ауд. 34-17 + Online
The 5th annual Krasnoyarsk Logical Workshop, dedicated to the World Logic Day, took place on January 14th. This year the workshop has become international.
What is special about January 14th?
- January 14 - New Year according to the Julian calendar;
- January 14, 1901 - the birthday of Alfred Tarski;
- January 14, 1978 - the day of the death of Kurt Gödel.
Like last year, this year we again held it in a mixed format.
- everyone could take part in full-time participation in the seminar without prior registration in room 34-17 of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny ave., 79).
- online participation was possible with pre-registration. The link to the event was available only to registered participants.
Participation was available to everyone (including junior students).
Recall that the first workshop in support of Jean-Yves Béziau's initiative to recognize January 14 as World Logic Day took place in 2019. For the last three years it has been held as an official even of the World Logic Day project of UNESCO through CIPSH (Conseil International de Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines).
The event was supported by Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic and Krasnoyarsk Mathematical Center. Information and technical support for the event is traditionally provided by IM&CS Youth Center.
Applications for participation with a report were accepted until January 13, 12:00 local time (CET+6).